Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes

Seattle, WA – November 2-3, 2017

Cardiac Adaptation to Exercise and the Physiologic Limits of the ‘Athlete’s Heart’ (Keynote)
Sanjay Sharma, MD

Etiology of Sudden Cardiac Death in Competitive Athletes: Update and Remaining Questions
Aaron Baggish, MD

Incidence of Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes: Understanding Differential Risk
Kimberly Harmon, MD

The Evolution of Contemporary ECG Interpretation Standards
Jonathan Drezner, MD

Q&A #1

Screening for Pathologic Cardiac Disorders: the Performance of History, Physical Exam, and ECG
Kimberly Harmon, MD

International Criteria for ECG Interpretation in Athletes: Overview of Normal ECG Findings
Jonathan Drezner, MD

Voltage Criteria for LVH and RVH: Physiologic Findings in Athletes
Joseph Marek, MD

Repolarization Variants in Black Athletes: What We Know and Don’t Know
Sanjay Sharma, MD

Physiologic ECG Variants in the Pediatric Athlete: Heart Rate, Rhythm, and Juvenile T Wave Pattern
Jack Salerno, MD

Q&A #2

International Criteria for ECG Interpretation in Athletes: Overview of Abnormal ECG Findings
Jonathan Drezner, MD

Pathologic T Wave Inversion and ST Segment Depression
Aaron Baggish, MD

Diagnostic Evaluation of ECG Abnormalities Suggestive of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy(HCM)
David Owens, MD

Diagnostic Evaluation of ECG Abnormalities Suggestive of Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy (ACM)
Jordan Prutkin, MD

Pathologic Q Waves: New Definition, Implications, and Secondary Testing
David Owens, MD

Q&A #4

Measuring the QTc: Pearls and Pitfalls
Michael Ackerman, MD, PhD

Wolff-Parkinson-White: Recognition and Diagnostic Evaluation
Jack Salerno, MD

Diagnostic Evaluation of a Patient with a Prolonged QTc
Michael Ackerman, MD, PhD

Premature Ventricular Contractions: When to be Concerned and Which Tests to Evaluate?
Michael Emery, MD

Isolated Axis Deviation, Atrial Enlargement, or Right Bundle Branch Block: Normal or Abnormal?
Sanjay Sharma, MD

Q&A #5

LV Non-Compaction: Disease or Normal Variant?Matthew Martinez, MD

Athletes with a Genetic Channelopathy: Who Says I Can’t Play Anyway? (Keynote)
Michael Ackerman, MD, PhD

Case Presentation: Return to Play with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?
Jonathan Drezner, MD

Genetic Testing for Cardiomyopathy: Clinical Applications in Sports Cardiology
David Owens, MD

ICD’s in Athletes: Indications, Options, and Return to Play Considerations
Jordan Prutkin, MD

The Expanding Role of Cardiac MRI in Sports Cardiology
Matthew Martinez, MD

False-Positives and True-Positives: Psychological Implications in Athletes
Irfan Asif, MD

Q&A #6

Is Too Much Endurance Exercise Bad for your Heart? (Keynote)
Aaron Baggish, MD

Atrial Fibrillation in Athletes
Jordan Prutkin, MD

Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in the Middle-Aged Athlete: Defining an Evidence-based Approach
Michael Emery, MD

Case Presentation: Return to Play after SCA?
Kimberly Harmon, MD