National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletes have a significantly higher incidence of sudden cardiac death than previously thought, especially among men, African Americans, and male basketball players, according to a study published May 14 in the American Heart Association journal Circulation. In addition, the main cause of sudden cardiac death differs from what is commonly […]
Category Archives: statistics
When Matthew Truax performed in his Meadowdale High School’s sophomore dance show, he and a dozen teens moved in near unison in front of hundreds of cheering classmates. During Journey’s ballad “Don’t Stop Believin’,” the Edmonds teen had no problem hoisting a female classmate onto his shoulders. Why would he? He was a healthy kid […]
From Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation — CardioReady, a national leader in helping organizations to prevent fatalities from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), today announced the results of a new national survey, which it commissioned Harris Interactive to conduct in December 2013. This survey aimed at gaining a broader understanding of Americans’ expectations regarding the locations of […]